Silvis, D., Clarke-Midura, J., Shumway, J., & Lee, V. R. (forthcoming). Feeling a goodness of fit: Children establishing corporeal comfort in STEM learning. Special Issue on Affect and Emotion in Science Education. Anticipated publication Fall 2024.
Shapiro, B. R. & Silvis, D. (2023). Animated movements, animating methods: An interaction geography approach to space and affect in early childhood education. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy. p. 1-32. DOI: 10.1177/14687984231212723.
Silvis, D. (2022) Cherished world thinking: Developing a maintenance mindset in family caregiving contexts. Cognition & Instruction. DOI: 10.1080/07370008.2022.2103139.
Silvis, D., Lee, V., Clarke-Midura, J. & Shumway, J. (2022). The technical matters: Children debugging (with) tangible coding toys. Information and Learning Sciences.
Silvis, D. (2022). Renewing learning: Reimagining the newness of families’ sociotechnical practices towards ecologically sustainable media engagement. Learning, Culture, and Social Interaction, Vol 35.
Silvis, D., Clarke-Midura, J., Shumway, J., Lee, V. & Lewis, S. (2022). Children caring for robots: Expanding computational thinking frameworks to include a technological ethic of care. International Journal of Child-computer Interaction, Vol 33.,
Silvis, D., Clarke-Midura, J. & Shumway, J. Lee, V. R. (2022) Every glass ceiling has a floor (of interaction): Studying body position as an index of social position in Kindergarten classrooms. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society of Learning Sciences 2022. Hiroshima, Japan.
Welch, L., Silvis, D., Clarke-Midura, J., Shumway, J., Lee, V., Kozlowski, J. Assessment designs that elicit multimodal strategies: What we can learn about early childhood CT by design. (2022). Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society of Learning Sciences 2022. Hiroshima, Japan.
Clarke-Midura, J., Silvis, D., Lee, V., Shumway, J., Kozlowski, J. (2021). Developing a Kindergarten computational thinking assessment using evidence-centered design: The case of algorithmic thinking. Computer Science Education, 31:2, 117-140.
Silvis, D., Lee, V., Clarke-Midura, J. & Shumway, J. (2021). Objects to debug with: How young children resolve errors with tangible coding toys. In E. de Vries, Y. Yod & J. Ahn (Eds.), Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society of Learning Sciences 2021. Bochum, Germany: International Society of the Learning Sciences
Silvis, D. & Hennessy Elliott, C. (2021). Why robots?: Historicizing engineered imaginaries and coded visions of learning. In E. de Vries, Y. Yod & J. Ahn (Eds.), Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society of Learning Sciences 2021. Bochum, Germany: International Society of the Learning Sciences
Silvis, D., Lee, V., Clarke-Midura, J., Shumway, J., & Kozlowski, J. (2020). Blending everyday movement and representational infrastructure: An interaction analysis of Kindergarteners coding robot routes. In M. Gresalfi & L. Horn (Eds.), Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2020. Nashville, TN: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Silvis, D. (2019). Unsettling video: Co-producing a montage film with an infant. Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy, 4, 1-23.
Taylor, K.H., Silvis, D., Bell, A., Henriquez, A., Cramer, C., Negron, A. (2019). Supporting Public-Facing Education for Youth: Spreading (Not Scaling) Ways to Learn Data Science with Mobile and Geospatial Technologies. Contemporary Issues in Technology & Teacher Education, 19(3), 1-20.
Silvis, D., Kalir, J., Taylor, K.H. (2019). Learning and researching across places in Mobile City Science. In Y. Zhang, & D. Cristol (Eds.), Handbook of Mobile Teaching and Learning, 2nd Edition. Springer.
Silvis, D., Taylor, K.H., Stevens, R. (2018). Community technology mapping: Inscribing places when ‘everything is on the move.’ International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 13(2), 137-166.
Taylor, K.H., Silvis, D., & Bell, A. (2018). Dis-placing place-making: How African-American and Immigrant youth realize their rights to the city. Learning. Media, and Technology, 43(4), 451-468.
Silvis, D., Taylor, K.H. & Stevens, R. (2018). Reassembling home-work: Mixing “newer” and “older” technologies in home learning environments. In J. Kay & R. Luckin (Eds.), Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2018. London, England: International Society of the Learning Sciences.